Recommended Books

Recommended Books

General Information and Identification Guides
Advanced texts

Jefferson, Thomas A. 2008. MArine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification

Fontaine, Pierre-Henry. 2007.  Whales and Seals: Biology and Ecology

Wilson, Ben and Angus Wilson. 2006.  The Complete Whale-Watching Handbook: A Guide to Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the World (Paperback)

P. G. H. Evans, and J. A. Raga (eds). 2002. Marine mammals: biology and conservation.    Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishing. 

 National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. Chanticleer Press 

Hoelzel, A. R (ed). 2002.  Marine mammal biology: an evolutionary approach. Blackwell Science Limited.  

Carwardine, Mark. Mark Carwardine's Guide to Whale Watching in North America. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.

J. R. Twiss Jr., and R. R. Reeves (eds.) 1999.  Conservation and management of marine mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press 

Harrison, Peter.  1985. Seabirds. Houghton Mifflin 

Mann, J., R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead. 2001. Cetacean Societies: field studies of dolphins and whales.  The University of Chicago Press.  

Waller, G. 1996. Sea Life: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment.  Smithsonian Institution Press 

Reynolds III, J. E., and S. A. Rommel (eds). 1999. Biology of marine mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press.

The Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume II by Peter L. Lutz (Editor), John A. Musick (Editor), Jeanette Wyneken

Whitehead, H. 2003. Sperm whales: social evolution in the ocean. University of Chicago Press 

Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation by JAMES R. SPOTILA 

Jefferson, Thomas A. 2015. Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification. 2nd Edition 

Guide to Marine Mammals and Turtles of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico 

Berta, A., and J. L. Summich. 2015.  Marine mammals: evolutionary biology. 3rd edition. Academic Press. 
Roman, J., 2006. Whale. Reaktion Books. Würsig, B., J. G. M. Thewissen, Kit Kovacs (eds). 2015. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. 3rd Edition. Academic Press
Giggs, R., 2020. Fathoms: the world in the whale. Simon and Schuster.  
Moore, M.J., 2021. We Are All Whalers: The Plight of Whales and Our Responsibility. University of Chicago Press.  


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